Growing your own food is a great way to save money. I dont normally buy organic food, but I was checking out the prices of it and it is always more expensive. I am growing my food organically, using no pesticides and I am having so much fun in the process! I plan on canning my green beans and maybe some of my tomatoes. We will eat a lot of things fresh, which saves on your weekly grocery budget. We moved to our new house in November last year, and ever since, I have been so excited to use the raised garden bed that is in the back yard. It's a small garden maybe 6' x 6'. I have never had my own garden, so I have been wanting to try my hand at it. So in April, I prepared the dirt and added a product called Bumper Crop. The dirt looked old, and part of the raised bed was full and part was not. It looked pretty hopeless at first but when I added this in and started working with it, it really started looking good! Potato While I was preparing the soil, I foun...
Meals to help keep your grocery budget on track!